Botanical SAL 2021 - garden layout
Featuring 49 botanical designs from the 2021 stitch-a-long. In this chart you will find....echinacea, slipper orchid, dogwood, narcissus, Dutch iris, nicotiana, rose, asclepias, peace lily, chilli, gardenia, wheat, echinops, teasel, crocus, clover, nigella, wild garlic, thistle, campion, bluebell, clematis, trumpet lily, borage, amarylis, astrania, ranaculus, bells of Ireland, dandelion, buttercup, nasturtium, begonia, poppy seed head, artichoke, lily, honeysuckle, passion flower, poppy, magnolia, fuchsia, lavender, strawberry, tulip, hops, orchid, clivia, cosmos, foxglove and chrysanthemum.
Design size in stitches - 194 x 194
On 18 count 28 cm square, on 16 count 32 cm sq, on 14 count 36 cm sq.
If you would like a peek at some of the lovely stitching the SAL group did, please visit the gallery by clicking HERE
This chart is available as a multipage printable or a single page PDF, you will need to select which version you would like to purchase.